Alberta Carrier Education
Improving safety with new truck and bus education
Alberta is mandating education for new commercial drivers and strengthening safety requirements for commercial carriers to enhance public safety.This course was designed for new commercial bus and truck carriers in Alberta. Anyone can take the course; however, it is mandatory for carriers that are required to hold an Alberta Safety Fitness Certificate. Please remember to create an account using your first and last name as it appears on your driver’s licence. Otherwise, the certificate of completion will not be valid at the time of application.
Alberta Carrier Education Course
It is recommended to access the online course from a desktop computer using the following internet browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and/or Microsoft Edge.

It is recommended to access the online course from a desktop computer using the following internet browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and/or Microsoft Edge.
Canadian Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Standard FAQs
- As a motor carrier, how can I be sure an electronic logging device (ELD) is compliant?
Transport Canada requires third-party certification of ELDs and will be engaging a suitable entity to manage this role. The motor carrier is responsible to utilize only third-party certified devices in Canada. - My electronic logging device (ELD) is already compliant with the U.S. Rule. Is it also compliant with the Canadian ELD Standard?
No. Requirements specified in the Canadian ELD Standard are aligned with those in the U.S. Rule for interoperability on both sides of the border. However, the Canadian ELD Standard includes additional requirements to comply with current HOS Regulations in Canada. Current ELDs will require a software update and certification by a third-party entity. - What information is automatically recorded by an electronic logging device (ELD)?
An ELD automatically records the following data elements at certain intervals: date, time, location information, engine hours, vehicle distance, and identification information for the driver, authenticated user, vehicle, and motor carrier. - When is location data recorded by an electronic logging device (ELD)?
Location data must be recorded by an ELD at 60-minute intervals when the vehicle is in motion, and when the driver powers up and shuts down the engine, changes duty status and operating jurisdiction, and indicates personal use or yard moves. Location data is not recorded during personal use of a CMV. - Will the vehicle location information identify street addresses?
No. Vehicle location information is not sufficiently precise to identify street addresses. For each change in duty status, the ELD must convert automatically captured vehicle position in latitude/longitude coordinates into geo-location information that indicates the approximate distance and direction to an identifiable location corresponding to the name of a nearby city, town, municipality or village, with the province or territory abbreviation. - When will an electronic logging device (ELD) automatically start to record a driving status?
An ELD must automatically switch to driving status once the commercial motor vehicle (CMV) is moving up to a set speed threshold of eight kilometers per hour. As a result, the in-motion state must not be configured greater than eight kilometers per hour. The vehicle will be considered stopped once its speed falls to zero kilometers per hour and stays at zero kilometers per hour for three consecutive seconds. - Can a user edit or change driving time that has been recorded by an electronic logging device (ELD) to non-driving time?
No. An ELD automatically records all the time that a CMV is in motion as driving time and that cannot be edited or changed to non-driving time. - What procedure should be followed if the driver operates several vehicles and therefore, multiple and compatible electronic logging devices (ELDs) are used to record a driver’s record of duty status (RODS) within a motor carrier’s operation?
If multiple, compatible ELDs are used to record a driver’s RODS within a motor carrier’s operation, the ELD the driver is operating most recently must be able to retrieve, retain and produce a complete ELD report for that driver, on demand, for the current 24-hour period and the previous 14 consecutive days. - Can a driver use a portable device, a smartphone or any other wireless electronic logging device (ELD)?
Yes. A driver may use a portable device, a smartphone or any other wireless device if the device meets the ELD technical specifications. A portable ELD must be mounted in a fixed position during commercial motor vehicle (CMV) operation and visible to the driver from a normal seated driving position. - How many electronic logging device (ELD) accounts can be established by a motor carrier for one of its ELD drivers?
A motor carrier must assign only one ELD driver account for each of its drivers required to use an ELD. An ELD must not allow the creation of more than one driver account associated with a driver’s license for a given motor carrier. The motor carrier is also responsible for establishing requirements for unique user identifications and passwords. - Who can edit an electronic logging device (ELD) record?
Both the driver and authorized carrier staff can make limited edits to an ELD record to correct mistakes or add missing information. All edits must include a note (annotation) to explain the reason for the edit. In addition, the driver must confirm (certify) that any carrier edit is accurate, and resubmit the records. If the driver chooses not to re-certify RODs, this is also reflected in the ELD record. - Are the original electronic logging device (ELD) records retained after edits are made, and accessible to drivers?
Yes. The original ELD records are retained even when allowed edits and annotations are made. The ELD must also provide a mechanism for a driver to obtain a copy of the driver’s own ELD records in either an electronic or printout format. However, the right to access is limited to a six-month period, consistent with the period during which a motor carrier must retain drivers’ records of duty status (RODS). - If a driver is stopped for a roadside inspection, what information must be shown to the enforcement officer?
During a roadside inspection, the safety official will use the ELD’s display screen or printout to review the driver’s eRODS and verify compliance with the Canadian HOS regulations. The electronic logging device (ELD) will report all information and data elements required for the current 24-hour period and the previous 14 consecutive days. Additionally, the enforcement officer can request the driver to transfer electronic documents (ELD output file) for inspection purposes. - What are the options for electronic logging devices (ELDs) to electronically transfer data?
On demand during a roadside safety inspection, an electronic logging device (ELD) can produce and transfer ELD records for the current 24-hour period and the previous 14 consecutive days. At a minimum, the ELD will electronically transfer data to the authorized safety official by email. In addition to the email transfer method, the ELD may also include USB or Bluetooth options for local transfer methods.